DWBH Tribute to Kev: Morgan Eubanks in Santa Barbara

Friday, January 22, 2010

Morgan Eubanks in Santa Barbara

"Kevin Carlberg was an inspiration to many. I had the pleasure of knowing Kevin through my roommate Kourtney. I only had the honor of being around him on a few occasions. My favorite memory of him would be his performance in LA. It was a small intimate setting, and the Carlberg women surrounded the stage as Kevin’s number one groupies. Since Kourtney and I are very close, I have felt like I have known the Carlberg family for many years. My picture is taken in Santa Barbara, the place where I met Kourney and first began to know her beautiful mother, loving sisters, and talented brother. Although Kevin is no longer with us in person, he has left a part of himself in his family and friends, and he has also given his beautiful music for all of us to cherish."


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